Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Raised Beds - Building Cold Frames

March 16, 2008 - After a week of goofing off planing flower bulbs and doing other non-fun things like work, we got right back to finishing off the raised beds in preparation for an early spring planting.

Last year we got snow here in Norfolk in April, while other years it is a warm 80+ degrees. Driving rains and harsh winds are common. In other words, spring in coastal Virginia is a relative term and nothing planted is safe.

To maximize our chances of success, I looked up cold frames and other sheltering methods to protect young plants from too much rain, temperature variations and birds.

I decided to go with the cheapest and easiest method and it took only some PVC tubing, a couple of large clear plastic tarps and some fasteners with screws for the PVC tubing.

Jordan and Savanna actually did all the work once I explained the concept while I did work trimming back the invasive vines. The end result looked very neat and had a nice balance of round and square that pleased us all.

After that, the girls measured out and set up the Square Foot Gardening grids for planting using a tough twine and nails. It also looked very neat and we were a bit disappointed not to be putting anything in there!

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