Okay...no masses of pictures this time, just information. I've been asked a few times what I can actually fit into such a small space so I'll answer with a caveat. These are the amounts that are planted based strictly on the guidelines in the Square Foot Gardening book, but I won't know until harvest if it gives the same as a regular garden. Assuming I can find someone to compare with!
In 2- 4'x4' and 1-3'x3' beds:
(Numbers like this - 16(13) - mean that is how many that were planted and how many came up and are present.
- 16 Yellow Onions
- 16 Red Onions
- 16 (10) Parsnips
- 32 (28) Carrots
- 4 Cauliflower
- 3 Red Bell Peppers
- 1 Godfather Pepper
- 1 Poblano Pepper
- 2 Purple Bell Peppers
- 1 Yellow Bell Pepper
- 36 (29) Bush Beans (variety)
- 4 Parsley
- 3 Lettuce (marigold in 4th spot)
- 8 (7) Pole Beans
- 16 (14) Early Peas
- 4 Brandywine Tomatoes
- 1 Big Boy Tomato
- 1 Early Girl Tomato (doing poorly)
- 1 Grape Tomato
- 1 Park's Whopper Tomato
- 2 Eggplants
- 32 (26) Beets
- 9(3) Edamame Soybeans
In Containers (including some still in gallons for transplanting after the early crops come out, others in 14, 18 or 24 inch containers for permanent growing) I have:
- 7 Roma Tomatoes
- 5 Big Boy Tomatoes
- 1 Mr. Stripey Tomato
- 2 Brandywine Tomatoes
- 6 Supersteak Tomatoes
- 1 Grape Tomato
- 10 Lettuce
- 2 Cauliflower
- 2 Spanish Peppers
- 1 Godfather Pepper
- 2 Blueberry Bushes
- 5 Red Bell Peppers
- 2 Poblano Peppers
- 2 Purple Bell Peppers
- 1 Yellow Bell Pepper
- 2 Brussell Sprouts
- 4 Eggplant
- 7 Stevia Plants
- Many many assorted herbs.
Okay....so that is the list. When it is like that it sure looks like a lot. Let's see if it grows!
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